Spring Re:Generation

Springtime re:GENERATION

Purge. Plant. Prosper.

A free, live-streamed gathering with life coach and intutive healer, Xavier Dagba.

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    Get your “Spring Cleaning” DOne with

    Xavier Dagba

    March 20th will officially mark the arrival of spring, the season of renewal. So let’s clean up, sweep out, and start fresh – in mind, body and soul. Join Xavier, The Event hosts, and thousands of others who are ready to let go and move forward.
    Together, we’ll be guided through an intuitive healing journey, where we can release whatever doesn’t serve us, plant new seeds and rise into the next chapter of our collective expansion.


    Register today and receive this amazing free gift from our featured guest, Xavier Dagba.  A practical guide to harnessing the wisdom from your triggers and claiming your wholeness.


    This workbook is a guide to consciously exploring your triggers and to claim the growth opportunity that they represent.

    Navigating triggers is one of the most challenging practices for anyone who aspires to be a more conscious human being. It often feels like a system override and that you are reacting from old programs that do not represent who you are anymore.

    Working consciously with your triggers is a huge component of claiming your self mastery. The potential that it has to improve your daily relationships and your decision making is tremendous.

    In this workbook I share with you essentially how I navigate my own triggers and a simple process that I often teach my own clients that helps them claim their power in a pretty effective way. I hope it helps you claiming more of your own power and feel less and less at the mercy of your own programming.

    We Are Here, The Time Is Now